Wednesday 21 September 2016

Free Download Resume (CV) Perfecto

Resume (CV) Perfecto

Free Download Resume (CV) Perfecto

Update 29-01-10: Added Social Networking, Print, and other icons

About this Theme

This is a professional, clean, flexible and customizable Resume or CV theme, great for everyone to showcase their online bio. Its pretty savvy, minimal and displays your information in style and yet it remains professional.


  1. Clean Design
  2. Highly Customizable
  3. jQuery Scrolling
  4. Print Stylesheet included and easily customizable
  5. Fixed Sidebar and Revealing Avatar
  6. Gallery(Some Works) section page can display an image, a group of images, swf files, youtube videos, quicktime videos and a iframe
  7. jQuery Tooltips and Animation
  8. Ajax contact form (with form validation)
  9. Valid XHTML Strict and CSS
  10. SEO and Standards optimized theme
  11. Progressively Enhanced and optimized for IE 6
  12. Works even with Javascript Disabled (Note: Live Preview wont have this feature since it is encrypted)
  13. Documentation and PSD s included

This theme was tested in all major browsers:

  1. Opera
  2. Safari (Win/Mac)
  3. IE 6 +
  4. Chrome
  5. Firefox 3+


Its easy to create different skins for this theme. Please read the documentation and personalize it for your own needs. For users who need more than that, Ill be providing a screen-cast in which Ill be skinning the theme pretty soon. Thanks :)

For more styles or additional feature request, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Ill do my best to assist if you need any help. However, I believe if you read the documentation thoroughly, you wouldnt have any problem installing this theme.


Resume, Curriculum Vitae, CV, Scroll, Scrolling, Scroller, Portfolio, vcard, Creative, Awesome, Semantic, Card, Business, Personal, Fancy, Cool, Bestseller, Featured.

Created 20 January 10
Last Update 20 January 10
Compatible Browsers Firefox, IE6, IE7, IE8, Opera, Safari
ThemeForest Files Included CSS Files, HTML Files, JS Files, Layered PSD, PHP Files
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
Tags ajax contact form, clean, clean, curriculum, fixed sidebar, freelance, google map, jquery lightbox, minimal, personal, portfolio, print ready, resume, scrolling, vitae

Preview/Demo Link : Link

Download Link : Link

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